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sobota, 23 lipca 2016


WORLD YOUTH DAY In the Katowice archdiocese
23LIPCA 2016 AIRPORT Muchowiec

 Throughout Poland held a diocesan celebration of World Youth Day. Pilgrims from all over the world come to share the joy and strengthened in the faith. The young pilgrims from 55 countries around the world and tens of thousands of people from Silesia met Saturday afternoon at Katowice Airport Muchowiec the so-called. Mount Carmel, to pray together, have fun and evangelize. Pilgrims on Mount Carmel made their way on foot, by bus and by public transport. The joy and enthusiasm could be seen on every street of the city of Katowice, but also in transportation, where one of the groups sang Croatia Barka. At the airport of young pilgrims greeted Archbishop Metropolitan of Katowice Viktor Skworc. The meeting began with common prayer, and appeared on the scene international groups to present their cultural heritage of their country revealing the diversity of the Catholic Church throughout the world. After the presentation of the groups on the scene we saw a show titled "How to fire" - Mount Carmel -próba faith is the biblical story of Elijah. The audience experienced a hike in the times of ancient Israel. The central event celebrated Days in the Diocese was common Eucharist Metropolitan Katowice Viktor Skworc presided over the Mass, and was accompanied by 30 bishops from all over the world with the Apostolic Nuncio to Poland, Archbishop Celestino Migliore, and 500 priests from this country and abroad. In the words of his homily, Archbishop Viktor Skworc referred to the spectacle and the prophet Elijah speaking about taking a real god, and the elections which will be carried out. Later in his homily Metropolitan cited the figure of John Paul II's words "love is greater than justice. Only love can secure full justice. It is therefore necessary to really loved was a man, if fully be protected human rights. " At the end of Mass, the archbishop gave his blessing
 - Let that God's blessing will be your safety zone. I wish you a beautiful, sunny, parish Sunday. blessed Sunday
Metropolitan also invited young people to visit Silesia.
The common experience of the liturgy was the international dimension and the word of God and prayer of the faithful was read in different languages ​​- Italian, Spanish, English, French, German, Portuguese, Czech, Russian and Chinese.
Young pilgrims on Mount Caramel brought with them the flags of their countries, pennants with images of saints and symbols of their homelands for example. Mexican sombreros and the image of Our Lady of Guadeloupe
After the Eucharist, everyone can participate in the evangelistic concert with world-famous stars of Christian music, and had them Steven Curtis Chapman and TGD and friends.
Jacek Zrobek